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[SSCI/SCI Journals]

  • Choi, H-S., & J. G. Seo. (2025). Victims of the Itaewon crowd crush died twice: The role of justice beliefs (general vs. personal) and fatalism in predicting victim-blaming. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.

  • Fischer, A., ... Choi, H-S., ...& Zúñiga, C. (2024). The precarity of progress: implications of a shifting gendered division of labor for relationships and well‑being as a function of country‑level gender equality. Sex Roles, 90, 642-658.

  • Andersson, P. A., Vartanova, I., ...& Choi, H-S., ...& Eriksson, K. (2024). Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 5591.

  • Callan M. J., Sutton, R. M., ... Choi, H-S., ...& Skylark, W. J. (2024). Personal relative deprivation and locus of control. Journal of Personality.

  • Abakoumkin, G., … Choi, H-S., …& Leander, P. (2024). Conceptual replication and extension of health behavior theories’ predictions in the context of COVID-19: Evidence across countries over time. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Social and personality psychology compass, 18(2).

  • Hopkins-Doyle A., ...Choi, H-S., ...Sutton, R. (2024). The misandry myth: An inaccurate
    stereotype about feminists’ attitudes toward men. Psychology of Woman Quarterly, 48(1), 8-37.

  • Choi, H. S. (2023). Individualism–Collectivism and Group Creativity. Handbook of Advances in Culture and Psychology: Volume 10, 215.

  • Choi, H-S. (2023). Happy together and sad together: Impact of emotional similarity on task motivation in groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice.

  • Douglas, K. M., ...Choi, H-S., ...& Leander, P. (2023). Identifying important individual- and country-level predictors of conspiracy theorizing: A machine learning analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(6), 1191-1203.

  • McLamore, Q., ...Choi, H-S., ...& Zein, R. A. (2023). The distinct associations of ingroup attachment and glorification with responses to the coronavirus pandemic: Evidence from a multilevel investigation in 21 Countries. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(2), 992-1012.

  • Han, Q., ...Choi, H-S., ...& Leander, P. (2023). Impact of National Pandemic Lockdowns on Perceived Threat of Immigrants: A Natural Quasi-Experiment Across 23 Countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14(7), 796-807.

  • Westgate, E., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, P. (2023). Pandemic boredom: Little evidence that lockdown-related boredom affects risky public health behaviors across 116 countries. Emotion, 23(8), 2370-2384.

  • Lee, H. Y., Choi, H-S*., & Travaglino, G. (2022). The combined role of independence in self-concept and a collectivistic value orientation in group-focused enmity in Korea. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 16, 1-16.

  • McLamore, Q., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Burrows, B. (2022). Trust in scientific information mediates associations between conservatism and coronavirus responses in the U.S., but few other nations. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-15.

  • Keng, S-L., ... Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, P. (2022). COVID-19 stressors and health behaviors: A multilevel longitudinal study across 86 countries. Preventive Medicine Reports, 27, 101764.

  • Lee, H. Y., & Choi, H-S.* (2022). Independent self-concept promotes group creativity in a collectivistic cultural context only when the group norm supports collectivism. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 26(1), 71-84

  • Van Lissa, C., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, P. (2022). Using machine learning to identify important predictors of COVID-19 infection prevention behaviors during the early phase of the pandemic. Patterns, 3(4), 100482.
  • Enea, V., ... Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, N.P. (2022). Intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19: The role of prosociality and conspiracy beliefs across 20 countries. Health Communication, 1-10.

  • Schumpe, B. M., Van Lissa, C. J., Bélanger, J. J., Ruggeri, K., Mierau, J., Nisa, C. F., ... & Leander, N. P. (in press). Predictors of adherence to public health behaviors for fighting COVID-19 derived from longitudinal data. Scientific reports.

  • Lucas, P., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, N. P. (2022). Justice beliefs and cultural values predict support for COVID-19 vaccination and quarantine behavioral mandates: a multilevel cross-national study. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 12(2), 284-290.

  • Choi, H. S., & Kim, S. Y. (2021). Crossing back over the Rubicon: Collectivistic value orientation and independent self-concept jointly promote effective goal revision in task groups. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 24(6), 982-997.

  • Eriksson, K., …, Choi, H-S., … & Van Lange, P. A. M et al. (2021). Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-11.

  • Strobe, W., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, N. P. (2021). Politicization of COVID-19 health-protective behaviors in the United States: Longitudinal and cross-national evidence. PLoS ONE, 16(1), e0256740.

  • Resta, E., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Lenader, N. P. (2021). ‘We are all in the same boat’: How societal discontent affects intention to help during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 32(2), 332-347.

  • van Breen, J., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, N. P. (2021). Lockdown lives: A longitudinal study of inter-relationships among feelings of loneliness, social contacts, and solidarity during the COVID-19 lockdown in early 2020. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(9), 1315–1330.

  • Lemay, E. P., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, N. P. (2021). The role of values in coping with health and economic threats of COVID-19. Journal of Social Psychology, 1-18.

  • Mula, S., ... Choi, H-S., ... &Leander, N. P. (2021). Concern with COVID-19 pandemic threat and attitudes towards immigrants: The mediating effect of the desire for tightness. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 3(1), 100028.

  • Han, Q., ..., Choi, H-S., ... & Leander, N. P. (2021). Trust in government regarding COVID-19 and its
    associations with preventive health behavior and prosocial behavior during the pandemic: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Psychological Medicine, 1-11.

  • Chen, S., Lam, B. C. P., Liu, J., Choi, H-S., Kashima, E., & Bernardo, A. (2021). Effects of containment and closure policies on controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic in East Asia. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 24(1), 42-47.

  • Jin, S., …, Choi, H-S., … & Leander, N. P. (2021). Intergenerational conflicts of interest and prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 1-8.

  • Nisa, C. F., ... Choi, H-S.,... Leander, P. (2021). Lives versus Livelihoods? Perceived economic risk has a stronger association with support for COVID‑19 preventive measures than perceived health risk. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-12.

  • Han, Q., …, Choi, H-S., … & Leander, N. P. (2021). Associations of risk perception of COVID-19 with emotion and mental health during the pandemic. Journal of Affective Disorders, 284, 247-255.

  • Romano, A., …, Choi, H-S., … & Leander, N. P. (2021). Cooperation and Trust Across Societies During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1-21.

  • Travaglino, G.A., Li, Z., Zhang, X., Lu X., & Choi, H-S. (2020). 'We are all in this together': The role of individuals’ social identities in problematic engagement with video games and the internet. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59, 522-548.

  • Leander, P., ..., Choi, H-S., ...& Zuniga, C. (2020). Towards a Globally Collaborative Behavioral Science: An Organizational Approach from Pandemic Psychology. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 78, 2-5.
  • Choi, H-S., & Euh, H. (2019). Being nice isn’t enough: Prosocial orientation and perceptions of self-uniqueness jointly promote outgroup reparation. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 22, 1215-1234.

  • Choi, H-S., Seo, J. G., Hyun, J. W., & Bechtoldt, M. (2019). Collectivistic independence promotes group creativity by reducing idea fixation. Small Group Research, 50, 381-407.

  • Choi, H. M., & Choi, H-S.* (2019). Counterfactual thinking about In-group versus out-group others. Current Psychology, 1046-1310.

  • Jung, J., Hogg, M. A., Livingstone, A. G., & Choi, H-S. (2019). From uncertain boundaries to uncertain identity: Effects of entitativity threat on identity-uncertainty and emigration. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49, 623-633.

  • Jung, J., Hogg, M. A., & Choi, H-S. (2019). Recategorizaing and ingroup projection: Two processes of identity uncertainty reduction. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 3, 97-114.

  • Choi, H-S., Cho, S. J., Seo, J. G., & Bechtoldt, M. N. (2018). The joint impact of collectivistic value orientation and independent self-representation on group creativity. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21, 37-56.

  • Choi, H-S., & Yoon, Y. J. (2018). Collectivistic values and an independent mindset jointly promote group creativity: Further evidence for a synergy model. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 22, 236-248.
  • Thompson, R., Choi, H-S., … & Visserman, M. (2018). Relational mobility predicts social behaviors in 39 countries and is tied to historical farming and threat. PNAS, 115, 7521-7526.

  • Zhang, R. J., …, Choi, H-S., … & Morio, H. (2018). The structure of trust as a reflection of culture and institutional power structure: Evidence from four East Asian societies. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22, 59-73.

  • Mengyao, L., Leidner, B., Euh, H., & Choi, H-S. (2016). The contagion of interstate violence: Reminders of historical interstate (but not intrastate) violence increase support for future violence against unrelated third-party states. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42, 1003-1024.

  • Jung, J., Hogg, M. A., & Choi, H-S. (2015). Reaching across the DMZ: Identity uncertainty and reunification of the Korean Peninsula. Political Psychology, 37, 341-350.

  • Bechtoldt, M. N., Choi, H-S.*, & Nijstad, B. (2012). Individuals in mind, mates by heart: Individualistic self-construal and collective value orientation as predictors of group creativity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 838-844.

  • Bechtoldt, M. N., De Dreu, C. K. W., Nijstad, B. A., Choi, H-S. (2010). Motivated information processing, social tuning, and group creativity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 622-637.

  • Menon, T., Thompson, L., & Choi, H-S. (2006). Tainted knowledge vs. tempting knowledge: People avoid knowledge from internal rivals and seek knowledge from external rivals. Management Science, 52, 1129-1144.
  • Choi, H-S., & Thompson, L. (2005). Old wine in a new bottle: Impact of membership change on group creativity. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 98, 121-132.

  • Choi, H-S., & Levine, J. M. (2004). Minority influence in work teams: Impact of newcomers. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40, 273-280.

  • Levine, J. M., Higgins, E. T., & Choi, H-S. (2000). Development of strategic norms in groups. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82, 88-101.

       [Invited Chapters]

  • Choi, H-S. (forthcoming). Individualism-​collectivism and group creativity: A synergy perspective. In M. Gelfand, Y-y, Hong, & C-y. Chiu (Eds.), Handbook of Advances in Culture and Psychology. Oxford University Press.  

  • Levine, J. M., & Choi, H-S. (2019). Newcomer influence and creativity in work groups. In P. B. Paulus & B. A. Nijstad (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of group creativity and innovation (pp. 51-72). Oxford University Press.

  • Nijstad, B. A., Bechthold, M., & Choi, H-S. (2019). Information processing, motivation, and group creativity. In P. B. Paulus & B. A. Nijstad (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of group creativity and innovation (pp. 87-102). Oxford University Press.

  • Levine, J. M., & Choi, H-S. (2010). Minority influence in interacting groups: Impact of newcomers. In J. Jetten & M. Hornsey (Eds.), Rebels in groups: Dissent, deviance, difference and defiance (pp. 73-92). Blackwell.

  • Levine, J. M., & Choi, H-S. (2010). Newcomers as influence agents: Minority influence in task groups. In R. Martin & M. Hewstone (Eds.), Minority influence and innovation: Antecedents, processes, and consequences (pp. 229-262). New York: Psychology Press.

  • Choi, H-S. (2007). Team creativity. Frontiers in Human Resource Management (pp.591-601).

  • Choi-H.S. (2007). Team effectiveness: Beyond the confusion and the romance. Frontiers in Human Resource Management (pp.567-580).

  • Choi, H-S., & Thompson, L. (2006). Membership change in groups: Implications for group creativity. In L. Thompson & H-S. Choi (Eds.), Creativity and innovation in organizational teams (pp. 87-108). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

  • Levine, J. M., & Choi, H-S. (2004). Impact of personnel turnover on team performance and cognition. In E. Salas & S. M. Fiore (Eds.), Team cognition: Understanding the factors that drive process and performance (pp. 153-176). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

  • Levine, J. M., Choi, H-S., & Moreland, R. L. (2003). Newcomer innovation in work teams. In P. B. Paulus & B. A. Nijstad (Eds.), Group creativity: Innovation through collaboration (pp. 202-224). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

  • Levine, J. M., Moreland, R. L., & Choi, H-S. (2001). Group socialization and newcomer innovation. In Blackwell handbook of social psychology: Group processes (pp. 86-106). Blackwell. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers Inc.


[Korean Journals-KCI]

  • 최훈석*, 한지민, 김도일(2024). 겸손에 관한 한국인의 상식이론: '겸손 편향' 관점의 한계 및 장래연구 제언. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 38(1), 45-69.(Korean Lay Theory of Modesty: Critical Analysis of the 'Modesty Bias' Perspective and Suggestions for Future Research)

  • 정옥아, 최훈석*(2024). 사회정체성 불확실성과 자기-해석이 내집단 동일시 및 집단 이탈의도에 미치는 영향: 조절된 매개모형 검증. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 38(2), 123-134. (Effects of social identity uncertainty and self-construal on ingroup identification and intention to leave the ingroup: A test of moderated mediation)

  • 이하연, 최훈석*, 노중현, 도은별, 한지민(2023), 남북한 관계에서 한민족 범주복잡성과 한민족동일시가 외집단 관용 및 집단 간 통합지향 행동의도에 미치는 효과. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 37(2), 139-158. (The interactive effect of superordinate category complexity and superordinate ingroup identification on outgroup tolerance and support for intergroup integration in the context of the two Koreas)

  • 박찬, 최훈석*(2023). 남북통합 행동의도에서 한민족 정체성과 국가 정체성의 상호작용: 집합적 죄책감을 매개로 하는 조절된 매개모형 검증. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 37(1), 89-100. (The Mediating role of collective guilt in the relationship between ethnic identity, national identity, and reconciliatory behavior intentions in the context of the two Koreas: A test of moderated mediation)

  • 이하연, 권영미, 서정길, 박주화, 최훈석* (2022). 한국인의 이중 사회정체성과 내집단 투사, 남북한 통일태도 간 관계. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 36(4), 281-306. (Relationship between dual social identity, ingroup projection, and attitudes toward unification of Korea)

  • 정진오, 최훈석*(2022). 집단간 갈등상황에서 외집단의 공감메시지가 대상자의 분노 및 집단간 회피의도에 미치는 영향. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 36(3), 187-207. (The role of group membership of the empathizer in intergroup empathy)

  • 도은별, 최훈석*(2022). 관점취하기 초점이 외집단에 대한 동맹행동 의도에 미치는 영향: 인지-초점과 정서-초점의 비교. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 36(2), 145-163. (Effects of perspective-taking foci on allyship intention in an intergroup context)

  • 최훈석, 이하연, 권영미, 박주화 (2021). 통일에 대한 태도 척도(ATU-K) 개발 및 타당화 연구. 한국심리학회지: 문화 및 사회문제, 27, 259-284. (Development and validation of Attitude Toward Unification of Korea (ATU-K) scale)

  • 이하연, 최훈석*, 권영미, 박주화 (2021). 사회적 신념과 남북통일에 대한 태도, 통일정책지지 간의 관계: 조절 및 매개모형 검증. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 35(4), 27-47.

  • 한지민, 최훈석* (2021). 코로나19 대유행 시기에 집단주의 성향과 사회적 거리두기 행동 간의 관계: 사회적 거리두기에 관한 주관적 규범의 매개효과. 한국심리학회지: 문화 및 사회문제, 27, 217-236.

  • 용정순, 최훈석* (2020). 10년간 리더 역할도식의 변화: 리더와 응답자의 성별을 중심으로. 한국심리학회지: 문화 및 사회문제. 26, 121-143. (Changes in leader role schemas over the past 10 years: Comparisons by gender)

  • 최훈석, 이하연, 정지인 (2019). 층소된 사회정체성 구조에서 정체성 불확실성과 내집단 동일시, 남북한 화해 태도 및 행동의도 간 관계. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 33, 45-59. (Relationship between nested social identity uncertainty, group identification, reconciliatory attitudes and intentions in Korea)

  • 이하연, 최훈석* (2019). 집단 창의성에서 집단주의 가치와 독립적 자기관의 상승효과: 현장 집단 연구. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 33, 1-19. (A synergistic effect of collectivistic value orientation and independent self-representation on group creativity: Evidence from a field study)

  • 유승현, 최훈석* (2017). 심리거리와 목표상태 부합이 개인의 자기조절에 미치는 영향. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 22, 123-136. (Effects of fit between psychological distance and a goal state on self-regulation) 

  • 김혜진, 최훈석* (2016). 순차적 자기조절 상황에서 목표 방해행동과 촉진행동에 연합된 조절초점의 부합효과. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 21, 513-526. (Effects of regulatory fit between goal-inhibiting versus facilitating behavior in sequential self-regulation)

  • 조혜연, 최훈석* (2015). 순차적 자기조절 상황에서 ‘하기’와 ‘중단하기’ 조절틀의 효과. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 20, 515-526. (Effects of "action/inaction" frame-fit on sequential self-regulation)

  • 이하연, 최훈석* (2014). 집단내 공감구조의 효과. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 28, 93-109. (Impact of empathy structure in groups)

  • 최성은, 최훈석* (2014). 사회적 불안상황에서 시각조망과 해석수준의 효과. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 19, 283-301. (Effects of visual perspectives and construal level on social anxiety)

  • 김경아, 최훈석* (2014). 심리적 위협 상황에서 자존감 안정성과 조절초점의 부합효과. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 19, 1145-1165. (Role of regulatory focus under psychological threat in individuals with secure self-esteem versus fragile self-esteem)

  • 최훈석, 용정순, 김교헌 (2013). 한국형 성인용 게임중독 척도개발 및 타당화. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 18, 709-726. (Development and validation of the Korean game addiction scale for adults)

  • 박찬, 최훈석* (2013). 관계친밀도에 따른 기대-일치 공감과 기대-불일치 공감의 효과. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 27, 85-105. (The role of relationship closeness and expectance-congruency in empathy)

  • 임숙희, 최훈석*, 권선중, 김세진, 김교헌 (2012). 자기결정이론에 기초한 청소년 게임중독 개입프로그램 개발: Win-Me Game(TM) 개발을 위한 예비연구. 한국 건강심리학회지, 17, 861-883. (Development of a youth game addition intervention program based on the self-determination theory: Preliminary research for the development of 'Win-Me Game' (TM))

  • 이승환, 최훈석* (2012). 목표 성취에 대한 상상에서 조절 초점의 효과. 한국심리학회지: 일반, 31, 387-398. (Effects of regulatory focus in fantasizing goal achievement)

  • 김세진, 권선중, 최훈석*, 김교헌 (2012). 청소년 게임 중독 진단 임상면접도구(SCI-GA)의 타당화를 위한 예비연구. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 17, 545-555. (Validation of the structured clinical interview for game addiction(SCI-GA) among adolescents)

  • 최훈석, 용정순, 김교헌 (2011). 청소년 게임이용에 대한 학부모의 인식 조사연구. 한국심리학회지: 사회문제, 17, 435-459. (A survey on the parents` perceptions of and attitudes toward game use among teenagers in Korea)

  • 김세진, 김교헌, 최훈석* (2011). 청소년 고위험 게임사용의 발현과 이후 변화에 대한 근거이론적 접근: 위험요인과 보호요인을 중심으로. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 16, 759-781. (Grounded theory approach to the development of problematic game use and subsequent changes in adolescent game users)

  • 최훈석, 이지현 (2010). 집단에서 신입성원의 변화제안: 신입성원의 상호작용 지향성과 집단구성변화 특성의 효과. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 24(3), 1-20. (When do newcomers introduce changes in groups?: Effects of newcomers` interaction orientation and the nature of membership change)

  • 최훈석, 용정순 (2010). 한국 청소년과 성인의 게임에 관한 사회적 표상. 한국심리학회지: 일반, 29(2), 195-219. (Social representations of games in Korea)

  • 최훈석 (2010). 한국심리학회 연구진실성심사세칙에 대한 비판적 개관. 한국심리학회지: 일반, 29권, 149-164. (A critical review of the KPA's regulations on research integrity)

  • 고인정, 최훈석* (2010). 혼합동기 상황에서 경쟁/협동과 조절과제 수행상황에 따른 자기-조절 효과성. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 24(2), 185-201. (Self-regulation effectiveness: The role of cooperation/competition and the nature of task setting)

  • 최훈석, 박은영 (2008). 응보, 일반인 제지, 및 무력화 목적에 따른 처벌판단 비교. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 22(4), 175-195. (Purpose of punishment and punitive judgment: Impact of retribution, general deterrence, and incapacitation)

  • 최훈석, 양애경, 이선주 (2008). 여성결혼이민자에 대한 지역사회 수용성: 안산과 영암의 지역주민을 중심으로. 한국심리학회지: 사회문제 14(4), 39-69. (Receptivity to Migrant wives in Korea: A qualitative approach)

  • 김교헌, 최훈석 (2008). 인터넷 게임중독: 자기조절 모형. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 13(3), 551-569. (Internet game addiction: A self-regulation model)

  • 정극주, 최훈석* (2007). 집단원 구성 및 개인기여의 도구성이 집단에서 고정관념 표적의 수행에 미치는 영향. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 21(2), 107-121. (Effects of group composition and instrumentality of individual contribution on the performance of stereotype targets in groups)

  • 조성숙, 최훈석* (2007). 사회적 배척/수용 경험 및 귀인이 사회적 정보처리와 처벌행동에 미치는 영향. 한국심리학회지: 건강, 12(1), 131-151. (Effects of social exclusion/inclusion and causal attribution upon social information processing and punishment behavior)

  • 한덕웅, 최훈석 (2006). 한국사회문제의 변화: 지난 10년간 세 시점의 비교. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 12(1), 103-128. (Important social issues in Korea: Continuity and c\Change over 10 years)

  • 최훈석 (2005). 군중행동의 주요 형태와 심리적 기제. 철학과 현실, 66, 64-77. (Social psychological mechanisms of crowd behavior)

  • 한덕웅, 최훈석, 강혜자, 이경성, 박군석 (1995). 한국 사회문제의 지각차원. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 9(1), 99-112. (Perceptual dimensions of social issues in Korea)

  • 최훈석, 한덕웅 (1994). 내/외집단 범주화된 다수와 소수의 사회적 영향. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 124-141. (Effects of in/out group categorization and size of sources on social influence) 


[Books/Edited Volumes]

  • ​코로나19 시기의 심리적 도전과 적응(공저). 성균관대학교 출판부. 2023.

  • ​전환과 변동의 시대 사회과학(편저). 성균관대학교 출판부. 2022.

  • ​한국인의 평화의식(공저). 통일연구원. 2021. (South Koreans' perception on peace)

  • Thompson, L., & Choi-H.S. (2007). Creativity and innovation in organizational teams. LEA

  • ​통일에 대한 태도척도 개발 및 타당화(공저). 통일연구원. 2020. (Attitude toward Unification-Korea)

  • 평화의 심리학: 한국인의 평화인식(공저). 통일연구원, 계문사. 2019. (Psychology of Peace)

  • 집단역학(공역). Cengage. 2019. (Group Dynamics)

  • 사회심리학(공역). 시그마프레스. 2017. (Social Psychology)

  • 연구자를 위한 최신 심리척도북(공동편저). 학지사. 2011. (Psychological Scales for Researchers)

  • 여성심리학. 한국여성심리학회(공동편저). 2010. (Psychology of Women)

  • 사회심리학(공저). 학지사. 2010. (Social Psychology)

  • 심리학개론(공동편역). Pearson Korea. 2012. (Introduction to Psychology)

  • 사회과학으로의 초대(공저). 성균관대학교 사회과학연구원. 2007. (Invitation to Social Sciences)

  • 인간의 마음과 행동(공저). 박영사. 2004. (Human Mind and Behavior)



  • Choi, H-S. (2003). Funny Business. Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

  • Choi, H-S. (2003). Food-for-Thought: Team Creativity Exercise. Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

Choi, H-S. 및 J. G. Seo. (2025). Itaewon Crowd Crush의 희생자들은 두 번 사망했습니다. 정의 신념 (일반 대 개인)의 역할과 희생자 봉인을 예측하는 데있어 치명주의. 아시아 사회 심리학 저널. Fischer, A., ... Choi, H-S., ... & Zúñiga, C. (2024). 진보의 위태 : 관계를위한 변화하는 노동 분업과 국가 수준의 남녀 평등의 기능으로서의 변화의 변화. 성 역할, 90, 642-658. Andersson, P. A., Vartanova, I., ... & Choi, H-S., ... & Eriksson, K. (2024). 분노와 혐오감은 문화, 특히 높은 개별 자율 사회에서 사회적 제재에 대한 판단을 형성합니다. 과학 보고서, 14 (1), 5591. Callan M. J., Sutton, R. M., ... Choi, H-S., ... & Skylark, W. J. (2024). 개인 상대 박탈 및 통제의 위치. 성격 저널. Abakoumkin, G.,… Choi, H-S.,… & Leander, P. (2024). COVID-19의 맥락에서 건강 행동 이론의 개념 복제와 확장 : 시간이 지남에 따라 국가 전체의 증거. 사회 및 성격 심리학 나침반. 사회 및 성격 심리학 나침반, 18 (2). Hopkins-Doyle A., ... Choi, H-S., ... Sutton, R. (2024). 불행의 신화 : 부정확 한 페미니스트의 남성에 대한 태도에 대한 고정 관념. 여성의 심리학 분기, 48 (1), 8-37.

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